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$pdf->SetFont('Helvetica','',10); $pdf->SetXY($intStartX + 112.4, $intStartY + 20); $pdf->Cell(70, 5, "Laskunumero ".$strInvoiceNo, 0, 1, "L"); $pdf->SetXY($intStartX + 112.4, $intStartY + 30); $pdf->Cell(70, 5, "Maksettaessa käytettävä viitenumeroa.", 0, 1, "L"); //pic $pdf->Image($GLOBALS['sesLANG']."_images/tslogob.jpg", $intMaxX - 10, $intStartY + 3); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica','',7); //refno $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica','',7); $pdf->SetXY($intStartX + 112.4, $intStartY + 59); $pdf->Cell(15, 5, "Viitenro", 0, 1, "L"); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica','',10); $pdf->SetXY($intStartX + 131, $intStartY + 59); $pdf->Cell(15, 5, $strRefNumber, 0, 1, "L"); //duedate $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica','',7); $pdf->SetXY($intStartX + 112.4, $intStartY + 68); $pdf->Cell(15, 5, "Eräpäivä", 0, 1, "L"); $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica','',10); $pdf->SetXY($intStartX + 131.4, $intStartY + 68); $pdf->Cell(25, 5, $strDueDate, 0, 1, "L"); //eur $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica','',7); $pdf->SetXY($intStartX + 161, $intStartY + 68); 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EURO must not be used before 1.1.1999!) 14 Zero-padded account number. The zeroes are added after the sixth number except in numbers that begin with 4 or 5. Those are padded after the seventh number. 8 Amount. The format is xxxxxx.xx, so you can't charge your customers millions ;) 20 Reference Number 6 Due Date. Format is YYMMDD. 4 Zero padding 1 Check code 1 */ if( $showBarcode ) { $tmpAccount = str_replace("-", str_repeat('0', 14 -(strlen($strBankAccount)-1)),$strBankAccount); $tmpSum = str_replace(",", "", miscRound2Decim($intTotSumVAT)); $tmpSum = str_repeat('0', 8 - strlen($tmpSum)). $tmpSum; $tmpRefNumber = str_replace(" ", "", $strRefNumber); $tmpRefNumber = str_repeat('0', 20 - strlen($tmpRefNumber)). $tmpRefNumber; $atmdDueDate = explode(".", $strDueDate); $tmpDueDate = substr($atmdDueDate[2], -2). $atmdDueDate[1]. $atmdDueDate[0]; $code_string = "2". $tmpAccount. $tmpSum. $tmpRefNumber. $tmpDueDate. 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